Monday, April 20, 2015


What up what up what up!? This week has been a lot of traveling, as usually, and doing exchanges with missionaries. It's been fun, it's been hard, and it's been crazy but its always worth it! This transfer has just flown by. Elder Browning and I have been together for a month and i've been in Atmore for 4 months now. Time flies on by. I'm not that close to going home but the time left on my mission is reaching an uncomfortable amount and I. Don't. Like it. But time goes on and all we can do is enjoy it right? Well that's what we've been doing. Elder Browning and I are never short of a laugh and are always having a fun time wherever we are in the zone. We've had quite a few crazy spiritual experiences this week that would take forever to type up so you'll have to wait till i get home and i'll read them from my journal. Thursday night Elder Browning and I are out teaching one of our investigators and we're teaching her on her porch at about 8:00 p.m. and we're sitting under a light bulb. In the evening hours in Alabama the bugs start to flock to the lights... and there is nothing more terrifying to Elder Browning than the infamous, flying, demonic, highly aggressive insect known as...... the moth. A moth is a flying insect... not dangerous or aggressive but they make Elder Browning sprint around like a little girl.... it's hilarious. So we're sitting there and guess what flies around Elder Browning's face (hitting him in the chin) and lands on his back.... a moth that is about the size of a quarter. He took it like a champ and pushed through his fear until the end of the lesson.... i thought he was gonna take off running down the sidewalk but he stayed composed. After the lesson as we're walking away he asks me if i saw the Pterodactyl that attacked the side of his face.... no shortage of laughter. 
-Elder Rogers 

From their dinner appointment the night prior.  The baby had been fed a little too much.

Braxton's response to Annika's email telling him that she is engaged.

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